How can we meet the global need for foodstuffs and agricultural materials under the growing constraints of natural resources and environment as well as the imperfect food distribution such as coexistence of hunger and satiation?

This challenging issue should be addressed in consideration of fundamental socio-economic elements, i.e. unsustainable development and resource depletion, enlargement of poverty and social inequality, and economic and institutional conflicts among developed and developing countries.

Our department has a couple of key principles on graduate education and academic research for the agricultural and resource economics of the new age.

  1. Global perspective: Our research concerns have become broader and more internationalized beyond the traditional agricultural economics; intergenerational resource conservation, multifunctionality of agriculture, global food system, harmonization of international trade system, rural development and community, while encompassing the new disciplines of other applied economics such as development economics, environmental economics and institutional economics.
  2. Local perspective: We are paying attention to rural reality of individuals and community. Our fieldwork approach, through which we have accumulated academic knowledge and have established reserch networks, is one of effective methods for our study aims to compare Japanese and overseas agricultural economies.

We continue our intensive seminars and classes for graduate students, which could deepen their professional insights and enhance their communication abilities. In addition, we would strengthen intellectual collaboration with other natural science thoughts. One of the keys for solution of perplexing problems above-mentioned could surely be technological progress thanks to developments of bioscience and information technology. We have good opportunity and favorite circumstance as a department of Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences to make mutually academic dialogue and scientific discussion for future prospects.


Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Agricultural Structure and Farm Business Management Professor : ANDO Mitsuyoshi, KIMINAMI Akira, KOJIMA Daizo, MATSUMOTO Takenori
Associate Professor : YAGI Hironori
Development Policies and Economics Professor : SAITO Katsuhiro, NAKASHIMA Yasuhiro
Associate Professor : KAWASAKI Kentaro, NAKATANI Tomoaki
Rural Development Finance Professor : Sakurai Takeshi
Associate Professor : Yurugi Takao
Assistant Professor : NISHIHARA Yukinaga