Department of Biomaterial Sciences
To better the quality of life, we consume various kinds of raw materials. At the present, many materials are produced from fossil resources, but excessive consumption is cause for concern because it may significantly influence the environment.
It is hoped that the development and introduction of biomaterials which are more in harmony with the environment can replace fossil resources.
Wood, the most important biomaterial, is both renewable and clean. The promotion of its appropriate utilization will preserve the environment, and is of great importance for the continued existence of human beings far into the future.
In order to constructively promote the utilization of biomaterials, we have to work for the efficient and complete use of wood and to apply acquired knowledge and refined research methods of material science to biomaterials other than wood. Namely, we have to advance science and technology in order to progress towards this goal.
Department of Biomaterial Sciences
Adhesion Science and Bio-composites | |
Adhesion Science and Bio-composites | Relation between chemical structure or physical properties of polymer and adhesive performances Surface and Interphase of adhesives New composite from renewable materials |
Material and Housing Sciences | |
Wood Physics | Physical and mechanical properties of structural biomaterials Fracturing mechanism of wood and wooden structures Timber drying and wood/water relations Evaluation of wooden dwelling environment for human amenity Modification of wooden materials by pyrolytic decomposition and charcoalization |
Woodbased materials and Timber Engineering | Dynamic analysis and structural performance of timber construction Development of new wood-based materials and processing Environmental impact of wooden housing and recycling of wood resources Evaluation of wooden dwelling environment for human comfort |
Pulp and Paper Science | Development of new biomaterials from cellulose by chemical and mechanical modifications Chemical and physical interactions between pulp fibers and wet-end additives and paper chemistry Application of new minerals prepared by hybridization with organic compounds to paper coating |
Biomass Chemistry | |
Forest Chemistry | Propagation and differentiation in cell cultures of woody plants Induction of secondary products in cell cultures of woody plants Biotransformation of biomass to useful metabolites by microorganism |
Wood Chemistry | Chemical structure, reactivity and function of plant cell wall components Pollution free pulping and bleaching technology Biomass utilization by chemical modification of lignin and carbohydrates |
Science of Polymeric Materials | Structure and physical properties of adhesives and adhesive performances Blends of natural and synthetic polymers Development of biodegradable polymeric materials All-biomass nano-composite materials |
Wood Utilization System |
*1 Cooperative course. The laboratory and staffs belong to Asian Natural Environmental Science Center