The Department of Biotechnology has kept a high standard of education and research in a wide range of the biotechnology field. Employing DNA technology, protein engineering and cell/tissue culturing techniques, in combination with the recent advancement of the biomolecular structure determination, genomic information and bioinformatics, the department is revealing basic mechanisms of a variety of biological functions.

In addition, we are making efforts to apply such basic findings to contribute to the prosperity and welfare of human being.


Department of Biotechnology

Biomolecular Research
Synthetic Biology Analysis and improvement of useful genes in microorganisms
Computational Biology Computational biology, computational chemistry and bioinformatics
Molecular Biotechnology Structure, function and localization of biological molecules
Biofunctional Research
Fermentation Microbiology Genetic and protein engineering, bioactive substances
Applied Microbiology Application of diverse microbiological functions
Enzymology Structure-function relationship of enzymes and proteins
Microbiology Protein secretion in bacteria and fungi, neural network information
Cellular Genetics Regulation of macromolecular biosynthesis in microorganisms
IFO-Endowed Chair
Brewing Microbiology
Agro-Biotechnology Research *1
Environmental Biochemistry Biotechnology of microorganisms and plant cells
Cell Biotechnology Biosynthetic studies using biochemistry and structural biology
Plant Functional Biotechnology Plant nutrient acquisition, Nodulation, Plant growth improvement
Social Cooperation Programs
Microbial Ecotechnology
Social Cooperation Research Departments
Yeast and Fermentation

*1 Cooperative course. The laboratory and its staffs belong to Agro-Biotechnology Research Center