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  • Novel Coronavirus Infection (Close Contact) Report Form
    This form is to be used by all students currently enrolled in the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences or Faculty of Agriculture. You must log in with your UTokyo Account. If you are unable to access the form, please sign in again with your UTokyo Account in your browser and try again.

News & Topics

  • All
  • Procedures
  • Financial Support
  • Study Abroad
  • Others
2025.02.07 Financial Support 【JSPS/DC1・DC2】Regarding the Publication of Application Guidelines and Application Forms for the 2026 Academic Year
2025.01.15 Financial Support Application Procedure for 2025, Admission / Tuition Fee Exemption
2025.01.10 Financial Support Notice about the result of Admission/Tuition Fee Exemption for the Second Half of AY2024
2024.12.13 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: February 2, 2025】The University of Montana The Flathead Lake Biological Station (FLBS) summer academic program 2025
2024.12.10 Study Abroad 【For undergraduate students・Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: 11:59pm, January 8 2025】UTokyo-Princeton University Joint Program “People and Culture of Japan in the United States— Past, Present and the Future”
2024.11.20 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: Noon 12:00pm, December 16 2024】UTokyo-JICA International Cooperation Pilot Program in Ghana AY2024 (Basic conversational Japanese language skills are desirable)
2024.10.28 Others Meeting with UTokyo President Fujii
2024.10.30 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 5:00pm, December 9 2024】Go Global Scholarships 2nd Call for the AY2024 Short (3 months-1 year) /S Short (less than 3 months) Study Abroad Scholarships
2024.10.10 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: Noon 12:00pm, November 12 2024】The Center for Global Education Short-Term Winter Study Abroad Programs AY2024
2024.09.18 Procedures 【Important】Study Abroad Insurance "Futai Kaigaku"
2024.08/28 Study Abroad 【Date: December 2-6, 2024, Application Deadline: September 23, 2024】AUA-UM Overseas Study Program 2024 (Online)
2024.08.15 Study Abroad 【October 12 and 13, Registration Required・Deadline: September 20, 5:00pm】Call for Participants: Entrepreneurship Workshop on Asia and Africa 《The Division of University Corporate Relations》
2024.07.31 Financial Support Notice about the result of AdmissionTuition Fee Exemption for the First Half of AY2024
2024.07.30 Study Abroad 【Pre-registration Required・Deadline: Wednesday, August 28, 23:59】Information session for USTEP 2024 (online)
2024.07.30 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: 5:00pm, October 3, 2024】AY2024 The University of Tokyo University-wide Student Exchange Program (USTEP) for AY2025-2026, Autumn Call
2024.07.17 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 5:00pm (CST), September 1 2024】SJTU Global Virtual Classroom Fall 2024 (Online)
2024.06.24 Financial Support Application Procedure for 2024, Admission / Tuition Fee Exemption / Deferred payment
2024.04.22 Financial Support 【Application Period:April 24, 2024 (Wed) - May 14, 2024 (Tue)】Doctoral Student Support Project (BOOST NAIS) Urgent call for D1 students “Advanced AI Talent Development to Lead the Next-Generation Intelligent Society”
2024.04.19 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: Noon 12:00pm, May 27, 2024】AY2024 Short-Term Summer Programs Administered by the Center for Global Education
2024.04.01 Financial Support *Application Period has been Extended*【Deadline for ID & Password Request: 12 April /Deadline for Submission: 7 May】JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientist (DC1, DC2) Guideline for Application for AY2025 (2 April: Acceptance of applications through the electronic application system started)
2024.03.27 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: 08 April 2024】UC Berkeley/Davis Programs for AY2024-2025
2024.03.18 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 1 April 2024】Call for Applications: IARU Global Transformation Summer School
2024.03.11 Financial Support 【Application Deadline: 25 March】SPRING-GX Urgent call for D2 & D3 students
2024.02.19 Others 【AY2023 Exit Survey of Post-Graduation Plans】《For students who will graduate in March 2024》Please complete the survey on UTAS by the graduation date. If you cannot answer on UTAS, download this form and submit it to the Department Support Team.
2024.02.19 Others 【27 February 2024 10:00~12:00, Hybrid, Online/Face-to-Face】Short-term intensive course to learn about Japanese companies and job-hunting activities (The Career Development Program for International Professionals (CDIPs) of The University of Tokyo)
2024.02.16 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 15 March 2024 at 4:00pm(JST)】UTokyo Global Unit Courses(UTokyo GUC)
2024.01.15 Financial Support Application Procedure for 2024, Admission / Tuition Fee Exemption
2024.01.11 Financial Support Notice about the result of AdmissionTuition Fee Exemption for the Second Half of AY2023
2024.01.09 Study Abroad Intensive English Course Application Guidelines
2023.12.07 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 29 February 2024】Scholarships for studying in the United States by FUTI(Friends of UTokyo, Inc.) (For for mid-to long-term studies, For short term studies)2024
2023.12.07 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: 14 December 2023】AUA-CU Traditional Thai Culture and SDGs Camp 2024
2023.12.07 Study Abroad 【Please refer to the links for each award for details】 Award opportunities for research training from Singapore Government
2023.12.01 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: 14 December 2023】(For Undergraduate Students) Call for "The University of Tokyo -Asian University for Women (AUW) Joint Winter Program at AUW"
2023.11.17 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 4:00pm, January 26, 2024】AY2024 UTokyo-TOYOTA Study Abroad Scholarship for the study and research in the field of Artificial Intelligence
2023.10.26 Study Abroad 【6:00-7:00pm, November 9, 2023/ Pre-registration Required 】Talk event with Ms. Serena Sacks-Mandel (The Global CTO for Education at Microsoft): Dialogue at UTokyo GlobE #4 “Empowered​​ -Frame your Narrative, Own your Power-” Moderated by Vice President, Takane Ito
2023.10.20 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: 14 November 2023】Call for Short-Term Winter Study Abroad Programs AY2023 (The Center for Global Education)
2023.10.13 Study Abroad UBC (The University of British Columbia) Vancouver Summer Program 2024
2023.08.30 Financial Support Application Procedure for 2023, Admission / Tuition Fee Exemption
2023.07.31 Financial Support Notice about the result of AdmissionTuition Fee Exemption for the First Half of AY2023
2023.01.13 Financial Support Application Procedure for 2023, Admission / Tuition Fee Exemption
2023.01.11 Financial Support Notice about the result of Admission/Tuition Fee Exemption for the Second Half of AY2022
2023.01.06 Study Abroad 【Deadline for Submission:12:00pm, January 11, 2023 *Refer to the website for other deadlines and dates】AEARU Global Learning Initiatives Program Spring 2023(Online)
2022.11.29 Study Abroad 【Deadline for Submission: January 27, 2023】AY2023 UTokyo-TOYOTA Study Abroad Scholarship for the study and research in the field of Artificial Intelligence
2022.11.24 Study Abroad 【Deadline for Submission: January 10, 2023】EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIPS- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
2022.09.02 Others 【For Students expecting to graduate in March 2023】Survey Concerning the Job-Hunting Situation
2022.08.03 Others Notes during Summer vacation
2022.07.29 Financial Support Notice about the result of Admission/Tuition Fee Exemption for the First Half of AY2022
2022.06.23 Financial Support 【Application period: Tuesday, July 5 -Thursday, July 7, 2022】U TOKYO Sustainable Agriculture Education Program(October, 2022 enrollment) Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences(GSALS)
2022.06.16 Financial Support Application Procedure for 2022, Admission / Tuition Fee Exemption
2022.06.03 Study Abroad Accept applications from June 8(Wed)12:00】The Incentive Program for English Proficiency Tests (AY2022)(For undergraduate students enrolling in 2018 or later)
2022.06.01 Others Information on the redesigned web page "Current Students".
2022.02.28 Others Submission of Career Status Questionnaire. /
Please be sure to submit this form by the time you graduate or complete your studies. Please submit the form in one of the following ways. /
1.Submission at UTAS /
2.Submission of survey forms (in paper form)
2022.02.15 Study Abroad Building the TOMODACHI Generation: Morgan Stanley Ambassadors Program
2022.02.04 Financial Support Student Emergency Aid for Continuance of Studies (Second Round)
2021.07.01 Financial Support 農学生命科学図書館ジュニア・スタッフ募集(書架点検・資産実査準備作業(図書、雑誌)・図書保護カバー掛け作業等)
2021.03.05 Others Insurance for accidents involving third parties or their property: Liability Insurance coupled with "Gakkensai"("Futaibaiseki") 
2020.05.13 Financial Support Tuition fee exemption for international students who are suddenly facing financial difficulties due to the spread of COVID-19
____.__.__ Procedures Obtaining various certificates (For current students)
____.__.__ Procedures Personal Accident Insurance for Students and Researchers (“学研災/Gakkensai”)
____.__.__ Others Intensive English Course Application Guidelines /
*Eligibility:An undergraduate or graduate student at Yayoi campus as of September 1, 2019 /
Sign up for this course during the designated application period.
____.__.__ Others Liability Insurances for Bicycle Users
2024.09.18 Procedures 【Important】Study Abroad Insurance "Futai Kaigaku"
____.__.__ Procedures Obtaining various certificates (For current students)
____.__.__ Procedures Personal Accident Insurance for Students and Researchers (“学研災/Gakkensai”)*For details, please check the guideline "English version" downloadable in PDF.
2025.02.07 Financial Support 【JSPS/DC1・DC2】Regarding the Publication of Application Guidelines and Application Forms for the 2026 Academic Year
2025.01.15 Financial Support Application Procedure for 2025, Admission / Tuition Fee Exemption
2025.01.10 Financial Support Notice about the result of Admission/Tuition Fee Exemption for the Second Half of AY2024
2024.07.31 Financial Support Notice about the result of AdmissionTuition Fee Exemption for the First Half of AY2024
2024.06.24 Financial Support Application Procedure for 2024, Admission / Tuition Fee Exemption / Deferred payment
2024.04.22 Financial Support 【Application Period:April 24, 2024 (Wed) - May 14, 2024 (Tue)】Doctoral Student Support Project (BOOST NAIS) Urgent call for D1 students “Advanced AI Talent Development to Lead the Next-Generation Intelligent Society”
2024.04.01 Financial Support *Application Period has been Extended*【Deadline for ID & Password Request: 12 April /Deadline for Submission: 7 May】JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientist (DC1, DC2) Guideline for Application for AY2025 (2 April: Acceptance of applications through the electronic application system started)
2024.01.15 Financial Support Application Procedure for 2024, Admission / Tuition Fee Exemption
2024.01.11 Financial Support Notice about the result of AdmissionTuition Fee Exemption for the Second Half of AY2023
2023.08.30 Financial Support Application Procedure for 2023, Admission / Tuition Fee Exemption
2023.07.31 Financial Support Notice about the result of AdmissionTuition Fee Exemption for the First Half of AY2023
2023.01.13 Financial Support Application Procedure for 2023, Admission / Tuition Fee Exemption
2023.01.11 Financial Support Notice about the result of Admission/Tuition Fee Exemption for the Second Half of AY2022
2022.07.29 Financial Support Notice about the result of Admission/Tuition Fee Exemption for the First Half of AY2022
2022.06.23 Financial Support 【Application period: Tuesday, July 5 -Thursday, July 7, 2022】U TOKYO Sustainable Agriculture Education Program(October, 2022 enrollment) Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences(GSALS)
2022.06.16 Financial Support Application Procedure for 2022, Admission / Tuition Fee Exemption
2022.02.04 Financial Support Student Emergency Aid for Continuance of Studies (Second Round)
2021.07.01 Financial Support 農学生命科学図書館ジュニア・スタッフ募集(書架点検・資産実査準備作業(図書、雑誌)・図書保護カバー掛け作業等)
2020.05.13 Financial Support Tuition fee exemption for international students who are suddenly facing financial difficulties due to the spread of COVID-19
2024.12.13 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: February 2, 2025】The University of Montana The Flathead Lake Biological Station (FLBS) summer academic program 2025
2024.12.10 Study Abroad 【For undergraduate students・Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: 11:59pm, January 8 2025】UTokyo-Princeton University Joint Program “People and Culture of Japan in the United States— Past, Present and the Future”
2024.11.20 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: Noon 12:00pm, December 16 2024】UTokyo-JICA International Cooperation Pilot Program in Ghana AY2024 (Basic conversational Japanese language skills are desirable)
2024.10.30 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 5:00pm, December 9 2024】Go Global Scholarships 2nd Call for the AY2024 Short (3 months-1 year) /S Short (less than 3 months) Study Abroad Scholarships
2024.10.10 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: Noon 12:00pm, November 12 2024】The Center for Global Education Short-Term Winter Study Abroad Programs AY2024
2024.08/28 Study Abroad 【Date: December 2-6, 2024, Application Deadline: September 23, 2024】AUA-UM Overseas Study Program 2024 (Online)
2024.08.15 Study Abroad 【October 12 and 13, Registration Required・Deadline: September 20, 5:00pm】Call for Participants: Entrepreneurship Workshop on Asia and Africa 《The Division of University Corporate Relations》
2024.07.30 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: 5:00pm, October 3, 2024】AY2024 The University of Tokyo University-wide Student Exchange Program (USTEP) for AY2025-2026, Autumn Call
2024.07.17 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 5:00pm (CST), September 1 2024】SJTU Global Virtual Classroom Fall 2024 (Online)
2024.04.19 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: Noon 12:00pm, May 27, 2024】AY2024 Short-Term Summer Programs Administered by the Center for Global Education
2024.03.27 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: 08 April 2024】UC Berkeley/Davis Programs for AY2024-2025
2024.03.18 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 1 April 2024】Call for Applications: IARU Global Transformation Summer School
2024.02.16 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 15 March 2024 at 4:00pm(JST)】UTokyo Global Unit Courses(UTokyo GUC)
2024.01.09 Study Abroad Intensive English Course Application Guidelines
2023.12.07 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 29 February 2024】Scholarships for studying in the United States by FUTI(Friends of UTokyo, Inc.) (For for mid-to long-term studies, For short term studies)2024
2023.12.07 Study Abroad 【Please refer to the links for each award for details】 Award opportunities for research training from Singapore Government
2023.12.01 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: 14 December 2023】(For Undergraduate Students) Call for "The University of Tokyo -Asian University for Women (AUW) Joint Winter Program at AUW"
2023.11.17 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 4:00pm, January 26, 2024】AY2024 UTokyo-TOYOTA Study Abroad Scholarship for the study and research in the field of Artificial Intelligence
2023.10.26 Study Abroad 【6:00-7:00pm, November 9, 2023/ Pre-registration Required 】Talk event with Ms. Serena Sacks-Mandel (The Global CTO for Education at Microsoft): Dialogue at UTokyo GlobE #4 “Empowered​​ -Frame your Narrative, Own your Power-” Moderated by Vice President, Takane Ito
2023.10.20 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline on UTAS Overseas Study: 14 November 2023】Call for Short-Term Winter Study Abroad Programs AY2023 (The Center for Global Education)
2023.10.13 Study Abroad UBC (The University of British Columbia) Vancouver Summer Program 2024
2023.09.12 Study Abroad 【Important】Study Abroad Insurance "Futai Kaigaku"
2022.11.02 Study Abroad 【Application Deadline: 5 December 4:00pm】Go Global Scholarships 2nd Call for the 2022 Scholarship for Online Course Programs offered by Overseas Institutions
2022.06.03 Study Abroad Accept applications from June 8(Wed)12:00】The Incentive Program for English Proficiency Tests (AY2022)(For undergraduate students enrolling in 2018 or later)
2019.09.24 Study Abroad 【10月18日17:00締切】 College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University Exchange Students for 2020Spring Semester参加学生募集について 
2024.10.28 Others Meeting with UTokyo President Fujii
2024.02.19 Others 【AY2023 Exit Survey of Post-Graduation Plans】《For students who will graduate in March 2024》Please complete the survey on UTAS by the graduation date. If you cannot answer on UTAS, download this form and submit it to the Department Support Team.
2024.02.19 Others 【27 February 2024 10:00~12:00, Hybrid, Online/Face-to-Face】Short-term intensive course to learn about Japanese companies and job-hunting activities (The Career Development Program for International Professionals (CDIPs) of The University of Tokyo)
2023.01.23 Others 【Deadline for Application: February 05】Intensive English Course (February 2023)
2022.09.02 Others 【For Students expecting to graduate in March 2023】Survey Concerning the Job-Hunting Situation
2022.08.03 Others Notes during Summer vacation
2022.07.06 Others Information and Communication Industry & Manufacturing Industry” Online Company Information Session for Foreign Nationals (July 13, 14)".
2022.06.01 Others Information on the redesigned web page "Current Students".
2022.02.28 Others Submission of Career Status Questionnaire. /
Please be sure to submit this form by the time you graduate or complete your studies. Please submit the form in one of the following ways. /
1.Submission at UTAS /
2.Submission of survey forms (in paper form)
2021.03.05 Others Insurance for accidents involving third parties or their property: Liability Insurance coupled with "Gakkensai"("Futaibaiseki") 
____.__.__ Others Intensive English Course Application Guidelines /
*Eligibility:An undergraduate or graduate student at Yayoi campus as of September 1, 2019 /
Sign up for this course during the designated application period.
____.__.__ Others Liability Insurances for Bicycle Users

Various Information · Links

Class Cancellation Policy

When a weather warning for the Tokyo 23 ward is issued and public transportation (major JR, private railway and subway services)* is suspended, classes will be canceled according to the following criteria:

  • Public transportation* suspended as of 6:30a.m. -> All morning classes cancelled
  • Public transportation* suspended as of 11a.m. -> All afternoon classes cancelled

Cancellation announcements may be made the day before when major weather-related disaster such as typhoon, heavy snow, etc. is expected.

*1:Yamanote line, Keihintohoku line, Chuo line, Sobu line, Keio line, Odakyu line, Marunouchi line, Tozai line, Chiyoda line, Yurakucho line, Nanboku line, Oedo line

Academic Affairs Division,
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture


Information (Undergraduate Student Section)
Information (courses, grades, classes, etc.) from the Undergraduate Student Section.
Information (Graduate Student Section)
Information (courses, grades, classes, etc.) from the Graduate Student Section
UTAS (UTokyo Academic affairs System) is used to browse the syllabus for each class, register courses, and check your grades.
ITC-LMS (Information Technology Center - Learning Management System) is the system to support coursework (distribution of course materials, submission of homework assignments, online examinations, and notification of announcements from instructors to students,etc).
Online Lectures
This website contains information regarding online classes.
Technical inquiries about the various systems used for classes (UTokyo Account, ITC-LMS, ECCS Cloud Email, Zoom, etc.) *via chat, zoom, or email.


Teaching Assistant (TA)
Junior Staff (JS)
On-Campus Jobs (OCJ)

Consultation Service

Consultation Service
Various consultation services are available.

For International Students

Office for International Cooperation and Exchange (OICE)
OICE supports international students, visiting scholars, Japanese students thinking of studying abroad, and students/faculty members interested in cross-cultural exchange.
Tutor Support
Tutor support is a system to help international students just arriving in Japan by assigning student tutors.


Agricultural Development Studies (IPADS)
IPADS is an English-language MSc and PhD program of autumn enrollment. This program equip the students to make a difference in the modern, globalized industry of agriculture and contribute to the sustainable provision of food and ecosystem services in the world.
One Earth Guardians Development Program
One Earth Guardians are scientists who will take actions to secure the future of the Earth for the next 100 years.
Sustainable Agriculture Education Program
This program aims to foster experts specializing in sustainable biological productivity, realizing global environmental conservation, and acquiring expertise in practical Agricultural Science and cutting-edge Information Technology skills.
AGRI-COCOON is a multidisciplinary, cross-major research and educational community that provides students with opportunities to study a wide range of topics including: food, environment, development, life and information technology beyond the boundaries of their majors. Also, poster printing service is offered.
Other Programs
The University of Tokyo offers other programs on campus that accept applications from students of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences.

Facilities (public space and information systems)

Reserving Public Spaces
Seat reservations for online classes are available.
Information Ethics and Security*
When using the network of our graduate school, please understand the importance of information management and be sure to use the network appropriately. *Only accessible from the campus network.

Contact List

Inquiry items Contact
All Students
  • Scholarship
  • Tuition Exemption (tuition and admission fees)
  • TA (teaching assistant)
  • Junior Staff
  • On-Campus Job
  • Study Abroad / International Exchange
  • Insurance
  • Employment / Internship
  • Qualifications (teaching profession license, etc.)
  • Women’s resting room
Student Life Support Section

Contact Form
  • Leave of absence, return to school, withdrawal, extension of enrollment
  • Use of the classroom
  • Submission of documents related to My Number
Department Support Team

  • Certificate (TA / RA / reward / part-time job (Fixed-term Part-time Staff) salary payment certificate)
General Affairs Group
Human Resources Team

Undergraduate Students
  • Courses and grades
  • Certificate (grade, enrollment, attending school)
Undergraduate Student Section

Graduate Students
  • Courses and grades
  • Tuition Fee
  • Certificate (grade, enrollment, attending school)
  • PhD application
  • Application (graduate school student)
Graduate Student Section

International Students
  • Scholarships for international students
  • Visa information
  • Housing information for international students
International Students Section

  • Various non-academic services, including language support, to international students and researchers
  • Cultural Exchange Event
  • Tutor
Office for International Cooperation
and Exchange (OICE)
