UTokyo-NTU Joint Conference 2021 was held
A joint conference was held online for faculty and students from the University of Tokyo and National Taiwan University from December 8(Wed) to 10(Fri). As one of the main projects in the exchange between the University of Tokyo and National Taiwan University, the two universities have hosted joint conferences consisting of a university-wide plenary session and more than 10 parallel sessions for departments and schools, alternately since 2015. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 5th joint conference this year was held online. Under the theme of "Cooperation towards the Post-Corona Era," the presidents of both universities gave opening remarks at the plenary session. The conference was a great success having around 300 registrants for the plenary session and 15 parallel sessions. Following the Keynote Speeches by the Graduate Schools of Medicine of both universities, Faculty and Student Presentations were given, with lively and meaningful discussions. The meeting closed with the hope of a face-to-face exchange next year.
A parallel session with the College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture of the National Taiwan University was held
On December 9, a parallel session of the UTokyo-NTU Joint Conference 2021, “Cooperation in Agriculture towards the Post-Corona Era,” was held with the College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture of National Taiwan University. Prof. Nobuhiro Tsutsumi, Dean of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo, and Prof. Huu-Sheng LUR, Dean of the College of Bioresource Agriculture, National Taiwan University, gave the opening speeches.
Associate Professors Hiroyoshi Iwata and Tsuguyuki Saito from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UTokyo, along with Professor Shih-Shun LIN and Associate Professor Feng-Cheng CHANG from the College of Bio-Resource Agriculture, NTU, presented their respective research, followed by a lively exchange of opinions among the participants. With more than 90 people registered, the session proved to be an opportunity to create new collaborations and promote further exchanges. A parallel session on biological and environmental engineering was held in the afternoon of the same day, and parallel sessions on Veterinary Medical Sciences and The University of Tokyo Forest・Forest Science・Biomaterial Sciences were held on the following day.