Group photo

On December 6, 2023(Wed), at 14:00 local time (TST), 15:00 Japan time, a parallel session on Forest Science and Biomaterial Science "Challenges and Progress of National Taiwan University and University of Tokyo in Forest Science and Biomaterials Science" was held at the Forestry Classroom I, School of Forestry and Resources, at National Taiwan University. The session was held in a hybrid format.

A total of 80 participants attended, including 47 from National Taiwan University and 33 from the University of Tokyo. Among participants from the University of Tokyo, 7 faculty members and 2 students attended in person. The session commenced with opening remarks from Ryo KOHSAKA, Head of Department of Forestry Science, UTokyo; Yuko TSUNETSUGU, Head of Department of Biomaterial Sciences, UTokyo; Kohei KUBOTA, Director of the University of Tokyo Forests, UTokyo; Hsiao-Wei YUAN, Vice President for International Affairs, NTU; and Chun-Han KO, Professor, School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, NTU / Deputy Director of the Experimental Forest, NTU.

Subsequently, faculty presentations were delivered, with Prof. Yuko TSUNETSUGU presenting about "Benefits of Using Wood for Building Interiors: Research Trends in Japan." Prof. Chia-Pin YU from National Taiwan University presented about "Research in Forests and Human Health." Following these, student presentations took place, and after closing remarks, faculty discussion focused on teaching and research cooperation for the future. Faculty and graduate students from Japan and Taiwan, sharing similar methodologies and research topics, engaged in reciprocal questioning and discussions, culminating in a meaningful and impactful session.

Digital panel in front of the hall


Student Presentation using LiDAR

In front of the building (Prof. Koichiro, Kuraji, Prof. Kohei Kubota, Prof. Ryo Kohsaka from the left)

Presentation by Prof. Yuko Tsunetsugu Department of Biomaterial Sciences

Gift presents to Prof. Naoto Kamata from the University of Tokyo Forests, at the ceremony

Gift presents to Associate Prof. Toshiaki Owari from the University of Tokyo Forests, at the ceremony

Photos provided by School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, NTU