The Faculty of Agriculture Campus is accessible from the Hongo Campus by a footbridge over the Kototoi Street. The quiet campus has a lot of greenery and locates most of the buildings belonging to the faculty of Agriculture. A description for each facility is available by clicking the facilities of interest on the map.
Accessibility Map.

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Faculty of Agriculture Main gate (Main entrance), Faculty of Agriculture Museum

Faculty of Agriculture Main gate (Main entrance)
Faculty of Agriculture Museum

The Faculty of Agriculture main gate is located next to the Todaimae station(0min walking distance).The Faculty of Agriculture Museum is located on the right-hand side of the entrance.

The museum displays valuable artifacts belonging to the Faculty of Agriculture such as the donated intestines from Hachi-ko.

Faculty of Agriculture Museum

Yayoi Auditorium, Yayoi Auditorium Annex

Yayoi Auditorium
Yayoi Auditorium Annex

The Yayoi Auditorium is located on the right-hand side from the entrance, the Annex building is located on the left.

The Yayoi Auditorium is used to host academic conferences and symposiums. The Yayoi Auditorium Annex was built in 2008 and facilitates diverse events including social gatherings, seminars  and lectures. Both buildings catch  the eye with their  unique woody design.

In front of the Yayoi Auditorium Annex, many people visit the statue of “Hachi-ko and Professor Ueno”.

Yayoi Auditorium

Faculty of Agriculture Building Nos.1-9, Life Sciences Research Building、Food Science Building

Laboratories and Lecture rooms are located in the Faculty of Agricuuilding Nos.1-7 (there is no building no.4, 8),Life Sciences Research Wing and the Food Science Wing. From the main gate, Building No.1 is located on the right, Building No.2 on the left and building No.3 directly straight ahead. These pre-war buildings boast a dignified appearance, with Building no.3 registered as a historic landmark by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Building No.3 functions as a central role in the Faculty of Agriculture. It includes many facilities such as the Student Service Center, the Administrator's office, the Office of International Academic Affairs (OIAA), and the Faculty of Agriculture Co-op. Many recently erected buildings of the Faculty of Agriculture are located to the north of Building No.3.

Building No.1
Building No.2
Building No.2 Annex
Building No.3
Building No.5
Building No.6
Building No.7A
Building No.7B
Life Sciences Research
Building A
Life Sciences Research
Building B
Food Science Building
Building No.9

The Life Sciences Research Building A is utilized in collaboration with the Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (IQB). There is a green house facility on the 4th floor of the building.Conversely, recent theories suggest that the archeological discovery of Yayoi pottery was      made near the Life Sciences Research Building. The construction of the Life Sciences Research Building B began in November 2011.

The Food Science Building is an 8 story building that began construction in December 2011. It includes the Research Center for Food Safety, Nakajima Touichiro memorial hall, industry Collaboratory laboratories and animal research facilities. The main entrance of the building leads into the 2nd floor, where the Nakajima Touichiro Memorial hall sits on the right hand side and the Café Agri101 on the left. At the Café Agri101, beverages and light snacks including donuts are available.

Other building

Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (IQB)

Other buildings in the Faculty of Agriculture facilitates many laboratories and lecture rooms.

Institute for Quantitative Biosciences

Southern gate and footbridge

Southern gate

The Southern gate facing Kototoi street has an easy access from Nezu station and Yayoizaka.
The footbridge crosses over the Kototoi street and is a direct pathway to the Hongo Campus.
The Kototoi street is often called “The strait of Dover” by students.


University Library for Agricultural Life Sciences


The University Library for Agricultural Life Sciences is located north ofBuilding No.3, along . The library is designated a hub library for agriculture related literature and holds a great number of documentation related to agriculture.

Beyond  borrowing and perusing books and magazines, the library also provides wi-fi and computer access.

    University Library for Agricultural Life Sciences

    Agricultural Field


    The Agricultural Field is located to the north of the campus. The field is an unique facility to the Faculty of Agriculture, which is used to grow plants for research purposes.

    Although it may seem strange to have an agricultural field in the middle of Tokyo, the field is host to many frontier agricultural research.

    Veterinary Medical Center


    We diagnose and treat animals. As a university facility, education and research for students is also an important objective.

    Veterinary Medical Center

    Student Service Center


    The Student Service Center is located on the 1st floor of the Faculty of Agriculture Building No.3.The center is used for issuing certificates and administrative procedures. The Academic

    Affairs Division bulletin board is also located at the Student Service Center

    Faculty of Agriculture Co-op

    Faculty of Agriculture Co-op
    Faculty of Agriculture Cafeteria

    The Faculty of Agriculture Co-op is located in the basement of Building No.3, and is the first ever co-op in the whole of Tokyo University.  Although the store area is small, it stocks everything from food, books, stationary goods and even PC related items.

    The Faculty of Agriculture cafeteria is located next to the co-op. There are also co-ops and cafeterias in the Hongo campus, but the Faculty of Agriculture Co-op is more accessible.

    Faculty of Agriculture Sports Field


    The sports field including a football field, tennis court and a baseball court is located on the west side of the campus. Although it is a facility for the whole university, it is often used for laboratory softball tournaments and club activity.

    Trees in the Faculty of Agriculture Campus

    Gingko trees in front of Building No.3 (early summer)
    Gingko trees in front of Building No.3 (Autumn)
    Repurposing trees inside the campus.

    The Faculty of Agriculture Campus has many green areas and is home to many large trees.

    Some trees unfortunately had to be cut down after they became too large.
    The tree trunks and the lumber were repurposed to create relaxing spaces.


    Building No.3 courtyard


    The Building No.3 courtyard was refurbished by a group of staff volunteers, “The MIDORANGERS”. The courtyard had previously been overrun with weed and miscellaneous trees, the Japanese apricot and cherry blossom trees were infested with pests.

    This unique project was supported by the University of Tokyo Forests and affiliated farms. Currently, the courtyard has a new flower bed and a large bench.

    On-Campus Courtyard Refurbishing Project (Brochure)