このページでは農学生命科学研究科教務課(大学院学生担当)からの情報をお知らせしています。/ This web page provides information(courses, grades, classes, etc.) from the academic affairs division(registrar) of the graduate school of Agricultural and Life Sciences.



 :4月5日(金) ~ 4月16日(火)
 :4月17日(水)~ 4月18日(木)
・履修科目確認期間(SP ターム科目)
 :6月 5日(水)~ 6月 7日(金)








Registration procedures Period.

Period of Registration Procedures for the courses starting in S1 and SP(S2) Term (including year-long courses and multi-year courses):

 ・Online-Registration Period:
  April 5, 2024 (Fri) ~ April 16 (Tue)
 ・Confirmation Period (for S1, SP(S2), year-long courses and multi-year courses):
  April 17, 2024 (Wed) ~ April 18 (Thu)
 ・Confirmation Period (for SP):
  June 5, 2024 (Wed) ~ June 7 (Fri)
 *SP Confirmation Period is only for the courses of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
 (For SP term courses in the Faculty of Agriculture, submit a notification of additional course registration to add a course, or contact by email to delete a course).

Students planning to take courses must register on the “UTAS” during the designated period.

Any requests for additional courses or changes after the deadlines are not permitted.
Please be sure to check the Student Handbook and confirm if the required courses are certainly registered.

1. Two-year or three-year courses such as seminars, experiments (practice) etc. should be registered in the first semester of the academic year.
・As compulsory courses are not registered automatically, please register on UTAS on your own.
・It is not necessary to register again in second or third academic year (Including in the case of Extension of Enrollment Period.).

2. Please be sure to register all courses you plan to take, including the course of which schedules are yet to be determined. (Especially “Intensive” Courses).

3. Refer to the “Student Handbook of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences(農学生命科学研究科便覧),” pp. 88-119: Registration for each course must be completed within the designated period for the exam in which the mark ● or ◇ first appears on the course list.

4. Please do not fail to register especially for the biennial courses.

2024.03.25 【5/7まで】<全員必ず受講してください>情報セキュリティ教育の実施について


2017年度より情報セキュリティ教育・訓練及び啓発活動の一環として、本学の情報システムを利用する全構成員(UTokyo Accountを付与されている方)を対象に、情報セキュリティ教育(e-learning)を毎年実施することにしています。


1. 対象者:本学の情報システムを利用する全構成員(UTokyo Accountを付与されている者)

休学者については、UTokyo Wi-Fi, UTokyo VPN, UTokyo Slackを利用する場合には受講が必要となります。

2.  受講期間:2024年3月1日(金)~5月7日(火)


※2024年度にUTokyo Wi-Fiを利用する方はアカウント申請前に


UTokyo Accountの多要素認証設定を完了→多要素認証の設定方法はこちらを参照


・2023年度情報セキュリティ教育受講により発行された2023年度UTokyo Wi-Fi アカウントは発行時に連絡されている通り2024年4月30日に失効します。

・2024年5月7日(火)までに確認テストを未受講もしくは不合格だった方は、2024年5月8日(水)にUTokyo VPN,UTokyo Slackの利用を停止します。 これらのサービスの利用は情報セキュリティ教育を受講し合格(及びUTokyo Accountの多要素認証設定)することにより即時再開できます。


3. 実施方法:ポータルサイト「東京大学情報セキュリティ教育」にて受講してください。 ■https://univtokyo.sharepoint.com/sites/Security/SitePages/Information_Security_Education_2024.aspx

本件に関する問い合わせ:本部情報環境課セキュリティ対策チーム jouhousecurity.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp

2024.03.25 【by May 7】 “Information Security Education”

We inform you of the following notice from the Security Management Team, Information Environment Group.

As part of the university’s information security measure activities, we have been conducting the information security education (e-learning) for all members who use the University's information systems each year since 2017.

All members of the University are required to take this course.

1. Subjects:All members of the University who use the University's information systems (those who have been assigned a UTokyo Account)

Students currently taking leave of absence need to take the course to use UTokyo Wi-Fi,UTokyo VPN, and UTokyo Slack.

2. The information security education program will be conducted during the following dates:

Friday, March 1, 2024 - Tuesday, May 7, 2024

*All new user and current user are required to take the course and pass the confirmation test.

*All users who wish to use UTokyo Wi-Fi in FY2024 must take this education and complete the multi-factor authentication settings in their UTokyo Account before applying for an account.

・UTokyo Wi-Fi accounts issued in FY2023 will expire on April 30, 2024, as announced at the time of issuance.

・Those who have not taken or failed the confirmation test by Tuesday, May 7, 2024, will have their access to UTokyo VPN and UTokyo Slack suspended on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. As soon as you pass the confirmation test and set the multi-factor authentication settings, the suspension of your access will be restored immediately.

・Please note that the confirmation test will not be available on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, due to system work. Those who were unable to take the course during the course period and those who will be enrolled at UTokyo on or after May 9 (Thu.) are required to take the course and pass it immediately.

3. How to take the Information Security Education:Please take the course from this portal site. ■https://univtokyo.sharepoint.com/sites/Security/SitePages/Information_Security_Education_2024.aspx

contact information: Information Systems Department Information Environment Group Security Management Team  jouhousecurity.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp

2024.03.05 Call for Participants:
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Postgraduate Programme

受講を希望する学生は3月13日(水)午後5時までにCourse Registration Formを大学院学生担当に提出してください。

These courses will be offered in the Spring Semester 2024 by UNU-IAS for students from partner universities including Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
Please submit the Course Registration Form to the Graduate Student Section by 5:00 p.m. on March 13 if you wish to join the Programme.

Course List
Academic Calendar







Course Registration Form

・Students who wish to take the courses must obtain the approval from their supervisors.
・Credit transfers can be possible. Please ask the Graduate Student Section for the details.
・Tuition fees for these courses will not be collected.

If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate Student Section.
Graduate Student Section: daigakuin.a@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp





博士学位授与見込者 各位


証明書発行機のパスワードは、卒業日(3月22日)・ 修了日(3月21日)当日には再設定できません。
前日までに各自で確認し、使えるようにしておいてください。 (3月8日までに学生サービスセンター窓口で申請し、卒業式・学位記授与式当日に受け取ることもできます。)

◎卒業・修了日当日朝より、卒業生扱いとなり 学割の発行は出来ません。 必要な方は前もってとっておくこと。学部卒業➝ 修士入学、 修士修了➝ 博士進学予定者も同様です。 ご注意ください。

■■ Notice for Graduating Students ■■

(Enrolled in Undergraduate course, Master’s course and Doctoral course)

◎ Certificates
Certificates can be issued with an automatic machine till 15:00 on March 31. The password necessary for the issue of certificates cannot be re-set on the day of graduation (March 21)/completion (March 22). Please confirm the password by the preceding day on your own.

You can also receive certificates on the day of graduation ceremony, if applying at the counter of the Student Service Center by March 8. (*In this case, normal papers are used for certificates.)

Certificates are still available even after the graduation by applying at the counter, but please note that it takes more time to issue than usual.

◎ Student Discount on train pass
Student Discount on train pass cannot be issued from the morning of the day of graduation ceremony, since you are considered as a graduate. Students who need one are recommended to arrange previously.

*Please note that it is applicable to the students who finish the Undergraduate course and enter the Master’s course, or who complete Master’s course and enter the Doctoral course.

2024.01.17【お知らせ】2/9応募締切 SDGs シンポジウム 2024: サステナビリティ(持続性)に向けたプラネタリーヘルス:健康な地球のための革新的な解決策をめざして






  14:30 - 17:40:シンポジウム

  17:50 - 19:30:ネットワーキングイベント、学生ポスターセッション

 SDGsシンポジウム2024事務局  Email: sdg_sympo2024@pco-prime.com

2024.01.17【Notice】SDGs Symposium 2024: Planetary Health for Sustainability: Towards transformative solutions for a Healthy Planet

The University of Tokyo and Springer Nature will be co-hosting the 5th SDGs symposium this year. The 2024 SDGs Symposium, which will invite renowned researchers from Japan and abroad, as well as students and early career researchers working at interface of planetary health and SDGs, focusing at the interface of SDG3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG13 (Climate Action), SDG15 (Life on Land) and SDG2 (Zero Hunger) they will discuss actively how this research can explain these multifaceted phenomena and develop equitable solutions with high societal relevance and impact. We look forward to your participation in this event. Students are invited to submit posters by 9 February.

Your participation will be much appreciated.   <●SDGsシンポジウム2024>

[Event details, registration]   https://www.springernature.com/jp/campaign/sdg-symposium-2024-en

[Date & Time (JST)]

February 27, 2024 (Tue.)

- 14:30 - 17:40: Symposium

- 17:50 - 19:30: Networking event, Student poster session


Secretariat of SDGs Symposium 2024   Email: sdg_sympo2024@pco-prime.com

2024.01.09【お知らせ】英語研修受講者募集のお知らせ/Intensive English Course Application Guidelines




受講希望者は、 募集要項とシラバス等を参照 の上、1月19日(金)までに申請してください。


An Intensive English Course with instructors dispatched by the AEON CORPORATION, focusing on improving your skills to express your thoughts on various topics, is open for registration.

The course is available with a minimal amount of fees since GSALS covers part of the cost. Please take this opportunity to improve your English skills.

Sign up by Fri, January 19. For details, please refer to the application guidelines and the syllabus.

Eligibility: Undergraduate student of Faculty of Agriculture or graduate student of GSALS, as of February 19, 2024

In-person lessons at a lecture room in Yayoi Campus

募集要項/Application Guidelines


2023.08.30 Call for Participants:
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Postgraduate Programme

受講を希望する学生は9月13日(水)午後5時までにCourse Registration Formを大学院学生担当に提出してください。

These courses will be offered in the Spring Semester 2023 by UNU-IAS for students from partner universities including Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
Please submit the Course Registration Form to the Graduate Student Section by 5:00 p.m. on September 13 if you wish to join the Programme.

Course List
Academic Calendar
Course Registration Form

・Students who wish to take the courses must obtain the approval from their supervisors.
・Credit transfers can be possible. Please ask the Graduate Student Section for the details.
・Tuition fees for these courses will not be collected.

If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate Student Section.
Graduate Student Section: daigakuin.a@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp


2023.08.17 9月修了者の方へお知らせ/Notice for Graduating Students in September


(Enrolled in Master’s course and Doctoral course)














You can receive certificates on the day of graduation ceremony, if applying at the counter by September 15. (*In this case, normal papers are used for certificates.)

Certificates can be issued with an automatic machine from the day of ceremony till September 29.

The password necessary for the issue of certificates cannot be re-set on the day of graduation/completion. Please confirm the password by the preceding day on your own.


Certificates are still available even after the graduation by applying at the counter, but please note that it takes more time to issue than usual.

If you would like to receive your certificates by mail, please consult with the Graduate Student Section.

Please note that the student discount will be issued until the day before the completion date.




なお、2023年8月7日までに確認テストに合格していない場合、2023年8月9日にUTokyo Wi-FiおよびUTokyo VPN、UTokyo Slackの利用を停止します。これらのサービスは情報セキュリティ教育を受講し確認テストに合格することにより即時再開できます。ただし、UTokyo Wi-Fiはアカウントの再取得が必要となります。

UTokyo WiFi はオンライン授業の受講に必要なため、必ず期間内に受講してください。




2023.08.03 【Remind】【by August 7】<All Students/Please take the program> “Information Security Education”

We inform you of the following notice from the Security Management Team, Information Environment Group.

Please take the information security education program.

If you have not passed the verification test by August 7, 2023, your access to UTokyo Wi-Fi, UTokyo VPN and UTokyo Slack will be suspended on August 9, 2023. These services can be resumed immediately upon completion of the information security training and passing the verification test. However, you will need to reacquire an account for UTokyo Wi-Fi.

Please take the course from this portal site.

The University of Tokyo Information Security Education


2023.07.19 英語研修受講者募集のお知らせ/Intensive English Course Application Guidelines (Sep 2023)




受講希望者は、 募集要項とシラバス等を参照 の上、7月25日(火)までに申請してください。


An Intensive English Course with a native instructor, focusing on improving your skills to express your thoughts on various topics, is open for registration.

The course is available with a minimal amount of fees since GSALS covers part of the cost.

Please take this opportunity to improve your English skills.

Sign up by Tue, July 25. For details, please refer to the application guidelines and the syllabus.

Eligibility: Undergraduate student of Faculty of Agriculture or graduate student of GSALS, as of July 19, 2023

In-person lessons at a lecture room in Yayoi Campus

募集要項/Application Guidelines

2023.07.14 【お知らせ】窓口業務等休止のお知らせ/Temporary Closing of Academic Affairs Office


8月 7日(月)午後 大学院入試
8月 8日(火)終日 大学院入試
8月 9日(水)終日 大学院入試
8月14日(月)終日 夏季一斉休業
8月15日(火)終日 夏季一斉休業


We inform you that Student service Center will be temporarily closed on the date below.
* The service for issuance of certificates (excluding the automatic certificate issuing machine) will also be closed.

August7, 2023 closed in the afternoon (Entrance Examination)
August8, 2023 closed (Entrance Examination)
August9, 2023 closed (Entrance Examination)
August14, 2023 closed (summer holiday)
August15, 2023 closed (summer holiday)

*On Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 August, Entrance examinations will be held, so please do not enter the university on these days unless you are necessary.

2023.06.22 【重要】講義室における節電のお願い(夏季)


先日の研究科長メッセージ(6月8日付け「夏季の省エネ対策のご協力について」)にて、夏季の省エネ対策にご協力のお願いをしているところですが、講義室において、エアコンの設定温度がかなり低めに設定されていたり、使用されていない時間にエアコンや照明がついている等の不要な電力消費が散見されるようです 。








2023.06.14 【お知らせ】【7/5~8/7】<全員必ず受講してください>情報セキュリティ教育の実施について



なお、2023年8月7日までに確認テストに合格していない場合、2023年8月9日にUTokyo Wi-FiおよびUTokyo VPN、UTokyo Slackの利用を停止します。これらのサービスは情報セキュリティ教育を受講し確認テストに合格することにより即時再開できます。ただし、UTokyo Wi-Fiはアカウントの再取得が必要となります。

UTokyo WiFi はオンライン授業の受講に必要なため、必ず期間内に受講してください。




2023.06.14 【Notice】【7/5~8/7】<All Students/Please take the program> “Information Security Education”

We inform you of the following notice from the Security Management Team, Information Environment Group.

Please take the information security education program.

If you have not passed the verification test by August 7, 2023, your access to UTokyo Wi-Fi, UTokyo VPN and UTokyo Slack will be suspended on August 9, 2023. These services can be resumed immediately upon completion of the information security training and passing the verification test. However, you will need to reacquire an account for UTokyo Wi-Fi.

Please take the course from this portal site.

The University of Tokyo Information Security Education



2023.06.05東京大学の学生の皆さんへ:AIツールの授業における利用について(ver. 1.0)/Notification to Students on the Use of AI Tools in Classes (ver. 1.0)



The University of Tokyo has provisionally established the following URL regarding the use of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in educational settings. We encourage awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of generative AI tools and their appropriate use.


2023.06.02 Call for Participants:
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Postgraduate Programme


These courses will be offered in the Intensive Core Courses 2023 by UNU-IAS for students from partner universities including Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
Please email the Graduate Student Section (daigakuin.a@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp) by 5:00 p.m. on June 30 if you wish to join the Programme.

Course Information (Updated on June 14) 


・Students who wish to take the courses must obtain the approval from their supervisors.
・Credit transfers can be possible. Please ask the Graduate Student Section for the details.
・Tuition fees for these courses will not be collected.

If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate Student Section.
Graduate Student Section: daigakuin.a@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp

2023.03.07 Call for Participants:
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Postgraduate Programme

受講を希望する学生は3月16日(木)午後5時までにCourse Registration Formを大学院学生担当に提出してください。

These courses will be offered in the Spring Semester 2023 by UNU-IAS for students from partner universities including Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
Please submit the Course Registration Form to the Graduate Student Section by 5:00 p.m. on March 16 if you wish to join the Programme.

Course List
Academic Calendar
Course Registration Form

・Students who wish to take the courses must obtain the approval from their supervisors.
・Credit transfers can be possible. Please ask the Graduate Student Section for the details.
・Tuition fees for these courses will not be collected.

If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate Student Section.
Graduate Student Section: daigakuin.a@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp

2023.2.8 【お知らせ】3月修了の方へ


修士修了見込者   各位








必要な方は前もってとっておくこと。学部卒業➝ 修士入学、修士修了➝ 博士進学予定者も同様です。


2023.2.8 【Notice】For students who completed in March

(Enrolled in Undergraduate course, Master’s course and Doctoral course)


Certificates can be issued with an automatic machine till 15:00 on March 31.

The password necessary for the issue of certificates cannot be re-set on the day of graduation (March 24)/completion (March 23). Please confirm the password by the preceding day on your own.

You can also receive certificates on the day of graduation ceremony, if applying at the counter of the Student Service Center by March 10. (*In this case, normal papers are used for certificates.)

Certificates are still available even after the graduation by applying at the counter, but please note that it takes more time to issue than usual.

Student Discount on train pass

Student Discount on train pass cannot be issued from the morning of the day of graduation ceremony, since you are considered as a graduate. Students who need one are recommended to arrange previously.

*Please note that it is applicable to the students who finish the Undergraduate course and enter the Master’s course, or who complete Master’s course and enter the Doctoral course.


2023.1.23 【お知らせ】2/15応募締切 SDGs symposium 2023: 都市と自然 その連関の探求と持続可能性へ向けた課題解決のデザイン



【イベント詳細・参加申込】 https://www.springernature.com/jp/campaign/SDGsSympo2023-JP

【日時(日本時間)】 2023年2月28日(火)  15:00 - 16:00:学生ポスターセッション

                     16:30 - 19:30:シンポジウム

【言語】 英語(日本語の同時通訳あり)

2023.1.23 【Notice】SDGs symposium 2023 - Cities and nature: exploring linkages and designing solutions for sustainability

How do cities and nature interact? UTokyo and Springer Nature will host an international symposium with leading researchers, "SDGs Symposium 2023 - Cities and Nature: exploring linkages and designing solutions for sustainability." Associate Professor Masashi Soga(Department of Ecosystem Studies) will also be a speaker at this symposium.

Students are invited to submit posters by 15 February. Your participation will be much appreciated.  <PDF>

[Details, registration] https://www.springernature.com/jp/campaign/SDGsSympo2023-EN

[Date & Time (JST)]   February 28, 2023 (Tue.)  - 15:00 - 16:00: Student poster session

                           - 16:30 - 19:30: Symposium

[Language] English (simultaneous Japanese Translation)

2023.1.23 【お知らせ】英語研修受講者募集のお知らせ/Intensive English Course Application Guidelines (February 2023)




In-person lessons at a lecture room in Yayoi Campus

Eligibility: Undergraduate student of Faculty of Agriculture or graduate student of GSALS, as of February 27th, 2023

Sign up for this course by February 5th.



Application Guidelines


2022.9.22 【お知らせ】履修登録期間について

・WEB履修登録期間    :10月3日(月)~10月14日(金)
 A1・A2・Wターム  :10月17日(月)~10月18日(火)
 A2・Wターム     :11月29日(火)~12月1日(木)※農学部・農学生命科学研究科の科目のみ





2022.9.22 【Notice】Registration procedures Period

Period of Registration Procedures for the courses starting in A1, A2 and Winter Term (including year-long courses and multi-year courses);
・Online - Registration Period       : 2022. 10. 3 (Mon) ~ 10. 14 (Fri)
・Confirmation Period (for A1, A2 and W) : 2022. 10. 17 (Mon) ~ 10. 18 (Tue)
・Confirmation Period (for A2 and W)   : 2022. 11. 29 (Tue) ~ 12. 1 (Thu)
 *Confirmation Period (for A2 and W) is only for the courses of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences / the Faculty of Agriculture.

Students planning to take courses must register on the “UTAS” during the designated period. Any requests for additional courses or changes after the deadlines are not permitted. Please be sure to check the Student Handbook and confirm if the required courses are certainly registered.

1. Two-year or three-year courses such as seminars, experiments (practice) etc. should be registered at first semester of first academic year.
・As compulsory courses are not registered automatically, please register on UTAS on your own.
・It is not necessary to register again in second or third academic year.

2. Please be sure to register all courses you plan to take (including the “Intensive” courses).

3. Refer to the “Student Handbook of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences(農学生命科学研究科便覧),” pp. 89-126: Registration for each course must be completed within the designated period for the exam in which the mark ● or ◇ first appears on the course list.

4. Please do not fail to register especially for the biennial courses.


2022.08.30 Call for Participants:
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Postgraduate Program

国連大学サステイナビリティ高等研究所より秋学期授業の聴講案内がありました。受講を希望する学生は9月7日(水)までにCourse Registration Formを大学院学生担当に提出してください。

These courses will be offered in the Autumn Semester 2022 by UNU-IAS for students from partner universities including Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
Please submit the Course Registration Form to the Graduate Student Section by September 7 if you wish to join the programme.

Course List
Academic Calendar
Course Registration Form
Class Policy for Academic Year 2022-2023

・Students who wish to take the courses must obtain the approval from their supervisors.
・Credit transfers can be possible. Please ask the Graduate Student Section for the details.
・Tuition fees for these courses will not be collected.

If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate Student Section.
Graduate Student Section: daigakuin.a@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp


2022.08.26 9月修了者の方へお知らせ/Notice for Graduating Students in September


(enrolled in Master’s course and Doctoral course)












You can receive certificates on the day of graduation ceremony, if applying at the counter by September 9. (*In this case, normal papers are used for certificates.)

Certificates can be issued with an automatic machine from the day of ceremony till September 30.

The password necessary for the issue of certificates cannot be re-set on the day of graduation/completion. Please confirm the password by the preceding day on your own.


Certificates are still available even after the graduation by applying at the counter, but please note that it takes more time to issue than usual.

If you would like to receive your certificates by mail, please consult with the Graduate Student Section.

2022.07.14窓口業務等休止のお知らせ/Temporary Closing of Academic Affairs Office


 8月1日(月)午後 大学院入試
 8月2日(火)終日 大学院入試
 8月3日(水)終日 大学院入試

 8月12日(金)終日 夏季一斉休業
 8月15日(月)終日 夏季一斉休業


We inform you that Student service Center will be temporarily closed on the date below.
* The service for issuance of certificates (excluding the automatic certificate issuing machine) will also be closed.

 August 1, 2022 closed in the afternoon (Entrance Examination)
 August 2, 2022 closed (Entrance Examination)
 August 3, 2022 closed (Entrance Examination)

 August 12, 2022 closed (summer holiday)
 August 15, 2022 closed (summer holiday)

*On Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 August, Entrance examinations will be held,
  so please do not enter the university on these days unless you are absolutely necessary.


2022.07.05 英語研修受講者募集のお知らせ/Intensive English Course Application Guidelines (September 2022)




In-person lessons at a lecture room in Yayoi Campus

Eligibility: Undergraduate student of Faculty of Agriculture or graduate student of GSALS, as of July 6th, 2022

Sign up for this course by July 21st.

募集要項/Application Guidelines


2022.06.24 Call for Participants:
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Postgraduate Programme


These courses will be offered in the Intensive Core Courses 2022 by UNU-IAS for students from partner universities including Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences.

Please email the Graduate Student Section (daigakuin.a@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp) by July 8 if you wish to join the programme.

・Students who wish to take the courses must obtain the approval from their supervisors.
・Credit transfers can be possible. Please ask the Graduate Student Section for the details.
・Tuition fees for these courses will not be collected.


For more details, see this website.


If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate Student Section.


2022.06.17 日本文化紹介イベント@弥生講堂(7/20開催)


詳細PDF※ 東大ECCSクラウドメール( @g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp )でのサインインが必要です。



 (UTokyo Accountでのログインが必要です)



[Event on July 20] Invitation to an evening of traditional Japanese entertainment

A long-awaited in-person event is back! Join us for a fun-filled evening of traditional Japanese entertainment at Yayoi Auditorium Ichijo Hall on July 20th at 5 pm.

For details, Please see the PDF below.

 〇 PDF (Sign-in with UTokyo ECCS Cloud Mail (@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp) is required.)

If you havent registered yet, please do so right now!

Application Form

 (UTokyo account is required to access the link above)

We hope you can enjoy the evening with us!





なお、本教育未受講者(不合格者含む)は、11月1日より5ヶ月間UTokyo WiFiおよび UTokyo VPNの利用を停止します。UTokyo WiFi はオンライン授業の受講に必要なため、必ず期間内に受講してください。

セキュリティ教育の実施について“Security Education

2022.04.26【Notice】【5/96/10】<All Students/Please take the program>“Security Education

We inform you of the following notice from the Security Management Team,

Information Environment Group.

Please take the information security education program.

If you do not take or pass the "Information Security Education", your UTokyo WiFI and UTokyo VPN account will be suspended.
As this is required for taking online classes, please be sure to take the course during the period.

“Security Education”セキュリティ教育の実施について


2022.04.01 【お知らせ】履修登録期間について

:4月 5日(火) ~4月15日(金)
:6月 3日(金)~6月 7日(火)


・必修科目も自動では登録されません。 各自で必ず履修登録をすること。

2022.04.01 【Notice】Registration procedures Period

Period of Registration Procedures for the courses starting in S1 and SP(S2) Term (including year-long courses and multi-year courses) ;
・Online-Registration Period: April 5, 2022 (Tue) ~ April 15 (Fri)
・Confirmation Period (for S1, SP(S2), year-long courses and multi-year courses): April 18, 2022 (Mon) ~ April 19 (Tue)
・Confirmation Period (for SP): June 3, 2022 (Fri) ~ June 7 (Tue)
*SP Confirmation Period is only for the courses of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences.

Students planning to take courses must register on the “UTAS” during the designated period. Any requests for additional courses or changes after the deadlines are not permitted. Please be sure to check the Student Handbook and confirm if the required courses are certainly registered.

1. Two-year or three-year courses such as seminars, experiments (practice) etc. should be registered in the first semester of the academic year.
・As compulsory courses are not registered automatically, please register on UTAS on your own.
・It is not necessary to register again in second or third academic year.
2. Please register for all courses you plan to take, including the courses of which schedules are yet to be determined. (Especially “Intensive” Courses).
3. Refer to the “Student Handbook of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences(農学生命科学研究科便覧),” pp. 89-126: Registration for each course must be completed within the designated period for the exam in which the mark ● or ◇ first appears on the course list.
4. Please do not fail to register especially for the biennial courses.

2022.04.01 【お知らせ】学生定期健康診断について

健康診断は「学校保健安全法」に基づき実施しています。決められた期間内に必ず受診してください。健康診断Ⅰ(本郷地区:4/20~6/23)、健康診断Ⅱ(本郷地区:4/14~6/28)で対象者が異なります。 本郷地区をはじめいずれの地区も予約制となります。 対象者・日程・予約方法はこちら[保健センターHP]で確認してください。

2022.04.01 【Notice】Students Medical Check-ups

Medical check-ups are required by law. Please make sure you attend the check-ups during the specified period. Group I medical checkup(Hongo Campus:4/20~6/23)Group II medical checkup(Hongo Campus:4/14~6/28) The students who can take medical checkup is different for each group.
Reservation required.
Please check here [Health Service Center HP] for the eligible participants, schedule, and reservation method

2022.04.01 【お願い】住所、電話番号、メールアドレス等の登録・更新について


2022.04.01 【Notice】Registration or update of address, phone number, email address, etc

We would like to enhance the system to effectively utilize various information in order to confirm the safety of students and provide information in the event of an emergency such as a disaster. Please register or update your address, phone number, email address, etc. on the UTAS.
If you do not register, you will not receive emails or mail from the university. We ask for your cooperation in order to keep up with the latest information from the university.



パスワードの有効期限は1年間ですので、定期的に変更してください。UTASのトップページから、自分で変更が可能です。 パスワードを忘れた場合は、下記情報システム本部HP内の「利用者メニュー」より再発行の手続きをしてください(事前にUTASへのメールアドレスの登録が必要)。


学生サービスセンターについて/Student Service Center

  1. 場所及び窓口業務時間/Location and office hours

    場所:農学部3号館1階正面玄関入って左/Location : Agriculture Department Bldg.3
    Office hours : Mon ~Fri 9:00~17:00 (Except National holidays and campus closed day)
    (*The office may be closed due to school activity)

  2. 掲示/Bulletin Board

     Direct contact to students will not be done, except for specific and urgent circumstances. Please reference the bulletin board for any notifications about registration, events, class or student life related information, and scholarship and tuition exemption related matters.
    The physical bulletin board is available at the Student Service Center.
    Remember to check the UTAS bulletin board, certain information may be posted on the UTAS bulletin board.