ボン大学・東京大学 戦略的パートナーシップ シンポジウム
「ワン・ヘルス・アプローチ -アフリカ、アジアにおける人の 「健康」をめざした現場での取り組み」
このたび、ボン大学の開発研究センター(ZEF)の所長 Prof. ChristianBorgemeisterをお招きし、以下の国際シンポジウムを開催いたします。途上国の真の「健康」をめざす、国際保健、獣医学、農村社会学等、巾広い分野からの取り組みについて話題提供をしていただきます。シンポジウム参加は無料、事前申込は不要です。皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。(*学外の方もご参加いただけます。)
日時 2017年3月22日(水)17:00-20:30
場所 弥生キャンパス フードサイエンス棟 中島ホール
言語 英語
17:00-17:10 開会の挨拶 趣旨説明
東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科長 丹下 健
東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科農学国際専攻 岡田 謙介
1. 「地球規模の環境変動」の中でのワン・ヘルス
ボン大学 国際開発研究所(CEF)所長
2. 感染症対策のためのポジティブ・デビエンスアプローチ:
東京大学大学院医学系研究科 神馬 征峰
18:30-19:00 休憩(軽食の提供あり)
3. アジアにおけるリーシュマニア症制御にむけたワンヘルス的展開
東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科 三條場 千寿
4. ルワンダにおける農村社会・経済の変容と子供の健康
東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科 松田浩敬
特別講義(Prof. Borgemeister)
1. 害虫と益虫の管理-アフリカにおける4つのケーススタディ
日時: 3/21(火) 13:30-15:00
場所: フードサイエンス棟講義室
2. 国際農業研究の最新の情勢とその財政的基盤
日時: 3/23 (木)9:30-11:00
場所: フードサイエンス棟1階講義室
Zeff-IPADS Office
メール : zi@ipads.jp
U Bonn - U Tokyo Strategic Partnership Symposium "One Health approach for Africa and Asia
-- On-site innovation
in health, nutrition, and agriculture for rural communities--"
We invite Prof. Christian Borgemeister, the Managing Director of the Center of Development Research
(ZEF) from the University of Bonn, Germany, and will hold an international symposium as below.
Speakers from various discipline such as international public health, veterinary science, rural sociology will talk their approach to attain the true "health" in the developing countries.
No participation fee or preregistration is required.
You are cordially invited to participate the symposium.
Date and time : 22 March 2017 (Wed.) 17:00-20:30 Venue : Nakashima Hall, Food Science Building, Faculty of Agriculture Language : English
Welcome Address / Introductory Remark
Takeshi Tange (Dean, Graduate School of Agr. Life Sci. )
Kensuke Okada (IPADS, Graduate School of Agr. Life Sci.)
(1) One Health in a Global Environmental Change environment
Christian Borgemeister, Managing Director, Professor,
Centre for Development Research (ZEF), Univ. Bonn, Germany
(2) Positive deviance approach for infectious disease control:
behavior change or social change?
Masamine Jimba, Professor, Graduate School of Medicine,
Univ. Tokyo
18:30-19:00 Break (light meal is offered)
(3) One Health approach to control of Neglected Tropical Diseases
with special attention on Leishmaniasis in Asia.
Chizu Sanjoba, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of
Agricultural and Life Sciences, Univ. Tokyo
(4) Socio-economic Transformation of rural community and health
status of children in Rwanda
Hirotaka Matsuda, Associate Professor, Graduate School of
Frontier Sciences, Univ. Tokyo
20:10-20:30 General discussion
(below are the special lectures by Prof. Borgemeister)
1. Management of pest and beneficial insects - four case studies
from Africa
Date and time : 21 March (Tue) 13:30-15:00
Venue : Lecture Room, 1st floor, Food Science Building
2. The landscape of international agricultural research and it’s
most important funding mechanisms
Date and time : 23 March (Tue) 9:30-11:00
Venue : Lecture Room, 1st floor, Food Science Building This lecture would give a broad overview of the CGIAR and associated research institutes under the AIRCA umbrella, and how they operate.
Prof. Borgemeister was the former Director General of the African Insect Science for Food and Health (ICIPE, under AIRCA) and currently a board member of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA, Nigeria, under CGIAR).
<Brief profile of Prof. Borgemeister>
Professor Borgemeister obtained his PhD in Horticulture from Leibniz Hannover University (LUH) in 1991.
He lectured at LUH before embarking on a research career in Africa in 1992. Until the end of 1997 he worked at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), in Benin, West Africa first as a Postdoctoral Fellow, then as an Associate and finally as a Senior Scientist coordinating a multi- country program on the integrated control of an invasive stored-product pest.
He returned to Germany in 1998 working as an Assistant, then Associate and since 2003 as a Full Professor for Applied Entomology at LUH. From 2000–2001, he was also a Visiting Professor for Applied Zoology at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany.
From 2005 to 2013 he was the Director General of icipe, the International Centre of Insect Physiology (www.icipe.org), a Nairobi, Kenya headquartered pan-African R&D Centre.
In October 2013 he was appointed Full Professor at the University of Bonn as Head of the Department for Ecology and Natural Resources Management of ZEF, the Centre of Development Research (www.zef.de)
Since January 2015 he is the Managing Director of ZEF.
Borgemeister is a Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences, the Royal Entomological Society, the Entomological Society of America and Member of the Council of the International Congress of Entomology.
Borgemeister was for >8 years Chief Editor of the International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (published by Cambridge University Press) and has affiliations with other distinguished scientific journals as reviewer.
He has authored and co-authored over 130 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, has co- authored a book on biological control in Africa, and has written over 10 chapters for different scientific books.