WOAH(国際獣疫事務局)Food Safety Webinar Series 「Understanding allergy of livestock products (畜産物によるアレルギーを理解する)」(10/25開催)
テーマ:「Understanding allergy of livestock products(畜産物によるアレルギーを理解する)」
主催:WOAH Collaborating Centre for Food Safety Consortium (Research Center for Food Safety, The University of Tokyo)
[国際獣疫事務局食の安全コラボレーティングセンター (当研究科附属食の安全研究センター)]
※申込みはこちら(https://rr-asia.woah.org/2023FoodSafety)の『Register to the ZOOM」から
14:00-14:15 | Introduction of FS CC Consortium and the webinar series | Prof. Kazuhiro Hirayama (Research Center for Food Safety and Dept. Veterinary Medical Sciences, Univ. Tokyo) |
14:15-14:45 | Lecture 1: Food allergy caused by livestock products | Prof. Naoki Shimojo (Center for Preventive Medical Sciences, Chiba Univ.) |
14:45-15:05 | Lecture 2: Approaches to control allergenicity through food and nutritional measures | Prof. Satoshi Hachimura (Research Center for Food Safety, Univ. Tokyo) |
15:05-15:20 | Lecture 3: Approaches to control allergenicity through animal biotechnology | Assoc. Prof. Shigeru Kakuta (Dept. Veterinary Medical Sciences and Research Center for Food Safety, Univ. Tokyo) |
15:20-15:45 | Discussion | Moderated by Prof. Satoshi Hachimura |
15:45-16:00 | Wrap-up |