このページでは農学生命科学研究科教務課(大学院学生担当)からの情報をお知らせしています。/ This web page provides information(courses, grades, classes, etc.) from the academic affairs division(registrar) of the graduate school of Agricultural and Life Sciences.

定期試験等について/Periodical examinations

  1. 試験は公正に行われるべきであり、不正行為は許されない。万一不正な行為があれば厳正な処置がとられる。
  2. 科目によっては学生が提出したレポートに基づいて成績の評価を行うことがある。その際、教員から特別な指示がない限り、レポートは学生個人が自己の責任において作成するものである。レポートで他者の文章やデータ、web上の情報等を引用する場合は、引用符などで引用箇所を明示し、出典を明記しなければならない。これに反する不正な行為があれば厳正な処置がとられる。
  3. 成績判定が不合格となった科目(成績評価が不可・不合格・未受験の科目)で、明らかにそれが担当教員の誤りであると思われる場合のみ、担当教員または教務課窓口へ、成績評価の確認を申し出ることができる。申し出は成績発表日(概ねターム終了1ヶ月後)から1週間以内に(修了予定者のWタームについては可能な限り速やかに)行うこと。
  1. Students are required to act with academic integrity. There are serious consequences for cheating in examinations.
  2. Some courses are graded based on written assignments only. Each student is responsible for the content of the submitted assignment. To avoid plagiarism, use quotes and cite the sources clearly for phrases, data, information on the website, etc. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
  3. Students can ask for grade re-evaluation only when they believe they received a failing grade (fail/failure to pass an exam/course not taken) in error. A request for re-evaluation should be made to the academic faculty or the administrative staff within a week after the grade announcement date (approximately a month after the end of the term). Students completing the program should request without delay.


授業の休講措置について/Class cancellation policy


午前6時半の時点で、運休の場合 → 午前休講
午前11時の時点で、運休の場合 → 午後休講


When a weather warning for the Tokyo 23 ward is issued and public transportation (major JR, private railway, and subway services)* is suspended, classes will be canceled according to the following criteria:

Public transportation* suspended as of 6:30a.m.: All morning classes cancelled
Public transportation* suspended as of 11a.m.: All afternoon classes cancelled

Cancellation announcements may be made the day before when a major weather-related disaster such as typhoon, heavy snow, etc., is expected.
*Yamanote line, Keihintohoku line, Chuo line, Sobu line,
Keio line, Odakyu line,
Marunouchi line, Tozai line, Chiyoda line, Yurakucho line, Nanboku line, Oedo line


海外へ渡航する場合の手続き/Procedures for traveling abroad


When traveling abroad for sightseeing, submit a “Notification of Overseas visit.” International students returning home temporarily need to submit a “Notification of Temporary visit to home country.” For those going abroad for academic reasons, submit an “Application for Overseas Study Trip” to the Graduate Student Section, regardless of the length of the trip.

海外渡航届・一時帰国届(Notification of Overseas visit or / Temporary visit to home country)

学術調査等のための海外渡航申請書(Application for overseas study trip)


野外での調査・研究活動について/When performing field research

国内及び海外において、野外での調査・研究活動を行う場合には、環境安全管理室 (農学部3号館1階142号室)に事前の届出をすること。

Whether in Japan or abroad, notify the Environment, Health, and Safety Management Office (Bldg. No.3, 1F, Room 142) before performing field research.


Receiving research guidance at other universities/institutions
(The University of Tokyo Rules on Graduate Schools Article 12)


Following the supervisor’s request, the educational committee of the graduate school will grant permission.


住所登録及び住所変更、メールアドレスについて/Address registration, change of address, e-mail address

大学院に入・進学後、UTASによりWeb上で必ず住所登録し、住所変更があった場合は、同様にWEB上で変更すること。 その際の「現住所情報」の「e-mail1」は、教務課から大切な情報を送ることがあるので、携帯メールはできる限り避け、常に最新のアドレスを登録すること。

Upon entering graduate school, make sure to register your home address on UTAS over the Web. If there is a change of address, you need to re-register immediately.
E-mail1 of the “information on current address” column should not be a mobile email address, since important notification will be sent from the Academic Affairs Division to that address. You also need to keep your E-mail1 address up to date.






1限   8:30 ~ 10:15   (105分)
2限 10:25 ~ 12:10   (105分)
3限 13:00 ~ 14:45   (105分)
4限 14:55 ~ 16:40   (105分)
5限 16:50 ~ 18:35   (105分)
6限 18:45 ~ 20:30   (105分)