このページでは農学生命科学研究科教務課(大学院学生担当)からの情報をお知らせしています。/ This web page provides information(courses, grades, classes, etc.) from the academic affairs division(registrar) of the graduate school of Agricultural and Life Sciences.

履修登録について Regarding course registration

(*English follows Japanese.)








Method and period of course registration

Students must register on the UTAS (excluding some minors department courses).
You should be registered courses you want to do at the registration period.
■Registration period of the Courses offered from S1 / SP (S2) (including year-round courses and year-to-year courses)
→Please check this web page for current students
  ※SP courses of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences can only be confirmed.
(For SP term courses in the Faculty of Agriculture, submit a notification of additional course registration to add a course, or contact by email to delete a course).

■Registration Period of the Courses offered from A1, A2, W
 →Please check this web page for current students(Posting closed for AY2023; will be posted from September onwards for AY2024).
  ※A2・W courses of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences can only be confirmed.
(For this term courses in the Faculty of Agriculture, submit a notification of additional course registration to add a course, or contact by email to delete a course).

Consider about the course plan and register.
The first term marked with ● or ◇ in the term column of the course list is the registration period.
Please register for all courses you plan to take, including the courses of which schedules are yet to be determined. (Especially “Intensive” Courses)

!-- Precautions --! (Be sure to read)

If you intend to take not only the courses of this graduate school but also the courses of other graduate schools and faculties, you must register within the designated course registration period.

You can add or delete courses during the course registration period, so be sure to check that you have registered correctly after registering and print out the course registration screen.
No additional registration or change of courses will be allowed after the period has passed. Even if you attend and take an examination in a class that you have not registered, you will not be able to earn credits.

Check the subjects related to the educational staff license at students counter.

Graduate Student Section, Academic Affairs Division
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences The University of Tokyo